Damar Resin Crystals are from a tree found in the East Indies. The tree is slashed so that the sap bleeds out, just like the maple trees that produce maple syrup. It dries in these large "crystals", which are as clean as possible, but impurities can be trapped in it. This does not damage the trees. It is used for hardening Beeswax (makes it more resistant to marring) and raising its melting temperature when used in Encaustic applications (painting with melted wax). Damar in combination with beeswax also produces a wax paint with a higher index of refraction. This is what causes Encaustic colors to appear so luminous. To make your own Encaustic medium the Damar must be melted with the Beeswax and strained to remove any impurities. A common mix is 5-8 parts beeswax to 1 part Damar; experiment a little because every artist has their preference. Then this medium can be mixed with dry pigments to make your own Encaustic paints or used to thin ready made Encaustic wax paints. Heat below smoking temperature. Use in well ventilated area.
Why are we carrying this, you ask? Well, because Encaustic seems to be the up and coming new technique for fine art collage/surface design with textiles, and it looks fun and exciting. We are looking into more Encaustic supplies to carry, so keep an eye on our New Stuff page!
8 oz. bag