Cotton Prayer Flag 10" x 10"

Cotton Prayer Flag 10" x 10"
4.75 star rating 4.75 ( 4 review )
Product Details 1-11 12-35 36-59 60+
Cotton Prayer Flag 10" x 10" $1.19 1.05 0.95 0.89
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Dharma has answered your prayers! Well sort of...actually not really. We did listen, however, and get 100% cotton prayer flags for you to customize with dyes, paints and a personalized prayer mantra. Spread good will into the wind with your customized flags. These flags are 10" x 10" with a 1" opening on top. Sewn with cotton thread, perfect for dyeing. 

Made in: INDIA (IN)

10" x 10"
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5 star rating
I hope these come back in stock soon because they are wonderful and I plan to use them in an upcoming class. I made my own garden flag holders for them with 12 gauge galvanized wire and they look stunning. they are not too thin and not to thick. just perfect.
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7 of 7 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
I use these flags frequently for both kids and adults fibers workshops. They are a good size to finish a project in one or two classes. In the last 2 years I've used them for demonstrating ice & indigo dyeing as well as crayons + embroidery printing sharpie & alcohol projects. The only down side is that they are not really squares after washing some are longer than wide and some are wider than they are long but for my purposes that has not been a big drawback.
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1 of 3 users found this review helpful.

5 star rating
Flags are great for indigo cyanotype dyeing and embroidery. Love them. I also use them for garden flags.
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1 of 3 users found this review helpful.

4 star rating
Did something change with these flags? I've been dyeing them for years with no issues but the 2 most recent batches will not absorb the dye properly even after hot water soak and multiple washes on hot. Very disappointing because I love these flags! They are always a hit with my customers.
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0 of 0 users found this review helpful.

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