The days of hand rolled scarf hems may be numbered. The number of workers that have the skill and willingness to hand hem thousands of scarves is decreasing (They are getting older, and the young folks in China don't want to do it). And these days scarves can be hemmed faster and cleaner with machines.
These are a medium weight silk with a great drape and flow. Silky with an extremely smooth shiny top surface, this is what many people think of when they think "silk". Nice when you want something more luxurious and less sheer, but still economical. The lustrous satin surface is wonderful for painting!
We recommend, especially if you are re-selling, to pre-wash in Hot water and Synthrapol or our Professional Textile Detergent, all silk before dyeing or painting to remove any leftover residue from the silk worms (Seracin) or finger prints and other stuff that can cause the fabric to dye unevenly. Our product Milsoft is excellent for restoring the soft hand to silk after dyeing.
Made in: CHINA (CN)