Note: When using these instructions, please keep in mind that they are only general guidlines, that can be used in conjunction with the individual manufacturers instructions that will be included with all of the different fabric paints we carry.
For best results allow painted or printed fabric to dry thoroughly for at least one half hour. We have found that air curing for as long as possible before heat setting (up to two weeks!) in a warm dry environment yields the best results. For faster drying, place under a lamp, then heat-set. Heat setting locks color into fibers allowing for normal laundering. We generally don't recommend home dryers as most do not get hot enough. Commercial Dryers set at 250° minimum temperature for 45 minutes should suffice. Be sure to pre-heat dryer.
The heat set with an iron it's important to note that temperatures vary from iron to iron. When using an iron, pre-heat iron to maximum temperature safe for fabric. Place aluminum foil on ironing board and the painted side of the fabric down. Press against the backside for at least 15-25 seconds per square foot. Alternately you can use a press cloth if you feel the need to iron directly on the painted side; repeat without the presscloth on the non-painted side using the highest temp appropriate to your fabric. (Note: A longer air cure time, 5-7 days is recommended if using this method.
Using a Commercial Conveyor Type Oven: 350° for 3 minutes, two passes if necessary. Fabric should be hot to the touch to set colors. NOTE: Optimum time and temperature required to properly heat-set will vary depending on fabric, coverage, equipment and especially the instructions specified by each different paint manufacturer. Again please remember the guidlines above are intended to be just that, guidlines. They may or may not be appropriate for your specific project but we hope that they are of help!