A great gift for an artsy craftsy friend or relative, or make a fabulous, warm, luxurious, very expensive looking scarf for yourself! You get to select one scarf style and two colors from our mouth-watering Dharma Fiber Reactive Dyes. All you need from home is a ziplock baggie, some white vinegar, and a microwave. Because the velvet is part silk, part rayon, be prepared for some color variations from the standard dye colors - some wonderful surprises can happen!
1 Silk Cut Velvet Scarf with fringe 14"x72"
2 Dharma Fiber Reactive Dye Colors - your choice from over 100 colors packed in 4oz. squeeze bottles
2 oz. Dyer's Detergent
1 pair Latex Gloves (medium)
Complete instructions
SPECIAL: To order this item you will need to choose the two Dharma Fiber Reactive Dye colors you want included in your kit. When you get to the "Special Instructions" area of CHECKOUT please tell us which colors you would like with your kit. That's it!
Choose 2 colors of Fiber Reactive Dyes and tell us which 2 in the "special instructions" box in checkout!!
Microwave Dying - Silk Velvet Scarf Kit
Silk Velvet Scarf Dyeing
Step 1: Soak the fabric in pure white vinegar for about 15 minutes. Squeeze out the excess vinegar.
Step 2: Put the fabric in a locking sandwich bag big enough to allow the expansion of the steam, or put it on a safe surface (plastic with paper towels or old newspapers) Bunch it up or tie it in some kind of pattern with rubber bands.
Step 3: Fill the two bottles of powdered dye approx. 3/4 full of lukewarm water. Shake to dissolve. Drizzle the dye over the fabric.
Step 4: If you mush the dye around in the bag the color will come out more even. If you want more varied color &/or white areas, don't mush the bag. If you dyed it outside the bag, carefully put it in the zip lock and follow the steps below.
Step 5: Push out the air and zip-lock it.
Step 6: Put in microwave for 30 sec on, 10 sec off, i.e. don't allow the bag to puff up & explode!
Step 7: Repeat Step 6, 3 to 4 times on each side.
Step 8: Let the fabric cool down, then gently wash in small amount of the Kieralon detergent.
Step 9: Gently rinse out the excess dye in warm running water, & blot dry by rolling in an old unimportant (if it gets stained) terry towel.
Step 10: Soak in a small amount of hair conditioner & water for about 10 minutes. The cream rinse relaxes the fringe so you can use your fingers to "comb" out the tangles! Rinse again, and lay flat to dry.
Optional Step 11: Mail us a picture of your fabulous velvet scarf!