Ta dah!!! Here you go folks! The Poster Sized Color Chart (17"x 22") of all of our 146 current Fiber Reactive (Procion) Dye colors. (Does not include any SpringTones, FallTones, or discontinued colors.) It was hard, but we found an affordable printer whose end production run actually matches the colored proofs! Our Graphic Designer and General Manager went through lots of tweaking and several proofs using solid "tub" dyed cotton Jersey swatches from our Dharma Dye Lab (dyed under tightly controlled conditions all on the same lot of fabric) to get this color chart as close as we could to the real deal! Since printed paper never matches living color exactly, some colors are impossible to reproduce how vibrant they really are, or some of the more subtle differences between similar colors, but this is our best shot! A great reference for your dyeroom wall, color for your bathroom, whatever! Enjoy!
Colors shown are from swatches of cotton Jersey dyed in the same temperatures with the same timing, the same water, everything the same except the dye. The weight of goods of dye used (%OWG) was precisely measured to get the original fabric swatches and varies by color. If you are a serious dyer and want more precise matching ability, you must weigh the dye, as a percentage of the weight of the fabric you are dyeing. To get values we used to obtain the shades on this chart, you will find a list in your Dharma Catalog on pages 6 and 7, also at this link here.
Colors will be different on different fabrics. They can be more intense, and even shift, on rayons. These dyes can shift sometimes dramatically on silks, wool or other fibers, mainly blues and ANY mix that has a blue in it. If you combine different fabrics in a dyebath, or even the same fabrics from a different lot, you can end up with different colors coming out of the same dyebath. Temperature effects outcome of color, as does water chemistry and ph. How long you do each step can affect the outcome as well. So as you see, there are many variables with dyeing. Dyelots can vary a bit too. That is why it can be such an adventure! But if you need precise color, you simply must test. To repeat results it is like a recipe, everything must be done the same each time.
Artist tip: Tape the color swatch to the lid of your dye for easy color coding.